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Which Dress For My Christmas Party?

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abbeylee90 | 18:53 Wed 04th Dec 2024 | Shopping & Style
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Abbey - glad you see it now!

Naomi, the New Year's dilemma involved a sparkly top and a sparkly dress.

I quite like the first, maroon one.  A simple glittery chain necklace would go well.

I couldn't  find a black one.

It is to the right of the longer length maroon one in the same image.

This may work better jourdain


Why you ask people who don't know what you look like and are probably generally old enough to be your parents rather than asking your mum who knows you or your similar aged friends, is a mystery to me

Pick something without cutouts.

As said on here before by someone, the black one looks see through, so no.

Question Author

Black one isn't see through 

It is abbey-we can see the tops of her legs through it.

It's the lighting and the model is standing with her legs apart.  I'm sure it would be fine in real life.

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Which Dress For My Christmas Party?

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