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How To Get On The Housing Ladder

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Khandro | 11:12 Sun 08th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

This by Douglas Murray, I think you'll find beggars belief;



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hi unittled - I accessed it without

and er what was the point that was being made? - a grasping dosser in northern ireland was being er demanding whilst Londoners pay sky high rents ?

this is not news

.... writes someone from Germany where everyone rents anyway

I can't access it - and everyone in Germany does not rent.

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Does this work?

The archive works.

Just more example of double standards favouring the incomer. Although why anyone can refuse an offer without a good reason, is very strange.

Take ladder from shed - place against house -climb up one step. Way hay you're on the housing ladder.  I'll get my coat, but it is (nearly) Christmas!

11.20 Peter @ 11.17 is spot on ...Most Germans Do rent their houses. OK.

Someone can't tell the difference between 'everyone' and 'most'.


Surely you got to have a house before you own a shed.

Douglas 11.52 So Naomi is making things up then. OK.

Yesterday you needed to work on your reading and today it's figures, Gulliver.  You really aren't doing very well at all.

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Here in Schloss Khandro, I own all that I survey.

In all Member States, except Germany, owning was more common. In Germany, renting was slightly more usual with just a little over 50 % of the population being tenants. Austria (46 %) and Denmark (41 %) followed.

accurate enough for AB

^We know, Peter Pedant - so your  'Germany where everyone rents anyway' wasn't accurate at all - not even for AB. 

PP was using poetic licence.

no - he was lying

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How To Get On The Housing Ladder

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