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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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ToraToraTora | 17:53 Mon 09th Dec 2024 | Film, Media & TV
13 Answers

Q: What is the total score for 3 bulls-eyes on a dart board?

A: 150!

🤣 🎯🎯🎯



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Only saw the end of it, how come the total was £13 001, where did the £1 come from?

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ok forget that one he said 180! my bad

See how easy it is to slip up?

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no he really thought it was 180. I just mis typed.

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17:55 the girl took the low offer of £1

Thanks TTT, Rob was brilliant!

I don't think that answer was too silly, ttt. If you don't know about darts but you've heard 180 is a great throw, it's a decent score to guess at. 

Nothing on this thread for three in a bed.

//I just mis typed.//

Maybe he just mis-spoke.

Did they say "look what you could have won"?

I think he just made a mistake.  He looked to me like he could have kicked himself.  People who've never played darts have no reason to know though.

So with all the time in the world, you still got it wrong,Ttt.

Imagine what sort of answer you would come up with if you were under pressure.

"my bad" What The Funicular does that mean?

Means he's admitting to having made a mistake - very rare (admitting it that is!).

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