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Ev 1672

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RickGDG | 12:22 Sun 08th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
12 Answers


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Thanks Rick!

Thanks Rick :)

Thanks, Rick, that was great fun!

Matakari, if you're looking in....this is definitely on the gente side.Admittedly, there are 5 extra words to find, but the rest is very Matakari friendly! 

Many thanks, NACW! I’ll certainly try my hand at this one, but at the moment I’m having some fun with the yearly Charity Christmas Puzzle from Gordon Gray. Hemmed in by bad weather here, I’ve spent some time on this one and am left with just a few tricky ones. Gordon is doing a great job with the donations collected and I would like to extend an invitation to all to join in this laudable venture. The link is here:

Matakari, thanks. I'd forgotten all about that puzzle. I made a start on it this morning, and am delighted to say that I got it done in a oner! It was great fun.

Good day NACW, that’s a quicksilver mind, rapid like lightning! I’ve started and was quite pleased to have got 122 out of the 140 so far. I’m a bit flummoxed by the preamble bit as it relates to the grid  (  top to bottom 6, 7, 7 words, or parts of words, relating to the theme are in alphabetical order. In one column follow the instruction…) I have the title, but filling the grid to be certain I have the right beginning letters stump me…any suggestions? Thanks!

Matakari, the first column contains words relating to the first real word of the theme, the second is related to the second and the third.. yes, to the third. The first two are fairly straightforward - some of the words are quite obvious. The third needs you to use the instruction- ie take  the four letter word(first half) off (!) the what will be the entry.

Thanks, NACW, I'll press on with these tricky ones before I seek your guidance later on.

Matakari, thanks for the update. As you've got over 120 of the answers, I think you should be able to spot, form, some of the words - especially as you know how many are in each column, ie 6, 7 and 7. I found some of the words first, making the tricky clues easier to solve.

Thanks, NACW!  What’s your take on 19B? I’ve got the answer which is a 9-letter word and wonder if there is a variant spelling RADICCIO/RADICCHO.

Matakari, I think the setter has just missed off a space at the end, a _ for that one. All three of my big dictionaries have Radicchio. The setter mentions Chambers - I think it'd be very strange for him to chose a similar word, some variation, when the usual one exists!

Good day, NACW, a return to the Charitable Puzzle has yielded some great results. I’m now 136 out of 140. For the following 6, I’m not seeking answers, but just some help with the starting letters, thanks.
5C       ????IEU??????
6C       ?YTH??
14C     ???INE??
30C      ??OSE  (BROSE )
37C      ???LEA? ( FLYLEAF )

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Ev 1672

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