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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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ToraToraTora | 18:56 Thu 12th Dec 2024 | Film, Media & TV
18 Answers

MC this time...

Q: A carburettor is a device for supplying a spark-ignition engine with a mixture of fuel and what?

A: Water  B: Air  C: Oil

Answer C:




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The TWAU threads are a light-hearted pop at TV quiz shows - why do folk try to nit-pick them apart ?
20:27 Thu 12th Dec 2024

Not incorrect if it a two stroke engin .petrol and oil mixture 

Question Author

not via a carb though.

Could have been worse, answer A.   🤣

Sorry ttt but yes via the carb

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no the oil is added to the fuel in the tank in a 2 stroke.

The correct answer is B for two-stroke and four-stroke engines.

Except for diesel engines 😬

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19:40 that's why the question says "spark-ignition engine".

Question Author

the question is about spark ignition engines. Diesels are not spark ignition and neither do they have carbs.

The TWAU threads are a light-hearted pop at TV quiz shows - why do folk try to nit-pick them apart ?

Canary ♥ Tora

Please excuse me butting in but what does TWAU srand for please ?






douglas ♥ douglas

I knew the answer.  But I didn't know that diesel engines don't have carburettors and I guess many people don't. It's not something I've ever thought about.

Canary 42 , many thanks !


People with no interest in engines wouldn't know the answer, newmodarmy, why would they?

The days of spending weekends tinkering with your car or motorbike engine are long gone for most.

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