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Bring Back Paper Money ?

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Canary42 | 00:19 Sun 15th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

I hate these plastic notes, slippery and springy always escaping from my octogenarian grasp.

Just my opinion/experience - how about you ?



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Prefer paper notes, but can't see it reverting unless the conservation folk convince the powers that be, that more plastic is not good for the environment.

Go cashless Canary. You'd only need to handle a card then - no slippery notes or pockets of change. 

I'm a sexagenarian, and I can't stand them either, difficult to count, difficult to separate.

But how I would love to have a pocket full of them  😉

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I do most of the time Maydup, but not always accepted.

I like the cards.  I'm no longer carrying pockets full of change.

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In the OP I'm referrring to the new plastic banknotes Sandy, (£5, £10, £20) not credit/debit cards.

I'll go for the paper money, too.

Plastic isn't so good with clumsy fingers.

They don't fold and they skyte but they'll not re-introduce the paper notes.

Paper money doesn't last long in circulation and is easily forged making it an expensive form of cash.

I use a card for all of my transactions, except the enjoyable ones, gotta keep some secrets😉


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