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Free money???

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littlepk | 15:04 Tue 20th Feb 2007 | Gaming
3 Answers
Is it true that if you open an roulette account and deposit up to a maximum of �103, they will double it? You dont have to spend it and can withdraw it straight away. Instant �103 profit!!! Im not a risk taker but im intrigued. Cant be that easy right?


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Oh no, it's not as straight forward as that.

What you'd have to do is deposit X amount, and then play games to build up various roulette/casino points. Once you have a certain amount of points, the company will put the deposit bonus into your accout.

You can then cashout this bonus money. But you will need to gamble in order to get it in the tirst place.

And to be honest, 100% bonus on a deposit will take quite a lot of gambling to get!
Most companies who offer this type of offer will make you play a lot in order to receive the free money.

But with they usually give you the money instantly and you can withdraw it striaght away, so yes it is that easy with 888. I think it was free $100 when I registered.
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