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Jamjar74 | 15:36 Wed 18th Dec 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
19 Answers

All answers begin with W or V

a)  Bouncer and kicker (7)

b) Woman or horse? (6)

c)  Tasty for a picker (6)

d)  Known as fast wildflower (8) (Virginia)?

e)  Girls in pools (7)

f)  Small bird at sea (4)

g)  Paul or Mary - in USA (10)

h)  Old but classic (7)

i)  Fishy name (5)

j)  Success forged for strength (7.1)


Many thanks



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c winkle?

i Wanda

g) WhiteHouse

Please confirm/clarify the  count for j. Thanks

f) wren

h vintage

h) vintage

h) vintage

j) Victory V

a iffy .....wallaby

Victory V Forged for Strength Original 24 x 35g Lozenges Stick Pack. Original flavour lozenges · 35 g (Pack of 24)

b) Winnie?

A) Wallaby?

May be wallaby. I was expecting a plural but discounted WOMBATS

Wombat was my first thought until I checked the letter count again

I get it now- it is wallaby (one who bounces and kicks).  I was thinking of the names Bouncer and Kicker. Ignore me!

e can only think of...... weather 

E Vernons ? Sixties pop group who I think worked at the pools company.

Yes, they were called The Vernons Girls. Good suggestion

D Virginia (creeper) looks good

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