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Brexit Hit To Uk Trade Less Than Predicted, Says Study

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webbo3 | 15:55 Wed 18th Dec 2024 | News
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Well, whatcha know ?  Have a capable management who adapts the company and it's strategies and it wins through and go on from strength to strength. Have a less competent management and all sit there moaning about how things have changed and how they can't cope any better than they could when planning ahead for contingencies.
16:14 Wed 18th Dec 2024

Don't say that - you'll give Hymie a thromby.

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Ah, that one is reachable.

Well, whatcha know ?  Have a capable management who adapts the company and it's strategies and it wins through and go on from strength to strength. Have a less competent management and all sit there moaning about how things have changed and how they can't cope any better than they could when planning ahead for contingencies.

Who told you this then Webbo .Boris no doubt. What year were you Radicalised🤣?

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The link, no, two links I provided Gulliver

6.32pm - lol.

You have to laugh sometimes.

Here we have a poster who never provides links but who frequently posts largely unsubstantiated, unexamined and often plainly incorrect drivel, usually claimed to be fact. 

Then we have this post, where the OP has provided two links with lots of facts,  figures and opinion from quite well respected sources.

And the same poster from above asks “Who told you that?” Then goes on to suggest it might be a former Prime Minister for whom he appears to have an almost pathological  hatred for which some may think he ought to seek help. Finally he asked when he OP was “radicalised”.

Priceless!   🤣 

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Brexit Hit To Uk Trade Less Than Predicted, Says Study

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