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Is It Safe To Take Paracetamol

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abbeylee90 | 15:08 Fri 20th Dec 2024 | How it Works
25 Answers

I am going out later and I have a headache now but would it be safe to take paracetamol?



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Yes, subject to the warnings on the instructions leaflet.

Best not to drink too much though. Should save you some money too.

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If try and sleep then see how I am 

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Still got a headache 😞

It's better to have quiet night in, maybe a hot bath and an early night. Drinking when you already have a headache might ruin your Christmas.

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Just took some as I read it should be ok atleast 3 hours before drinking

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I don't want to let my friend down 

Which friend is this, Abbey?

Abbey, do you feel it's essential to drink alcohol when you go out? You could take the paracetamol, get rid of the headache and still have fun! 

Try 0% Guinness.  

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One I went with beajolious day 

if you are taking Paracetemol with you, what dress are you going to put her in?

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Not taking it out with and burgandy sequin dress.

I can recomment 'Nozecco' and alcohol-free ciders to drink if you wish to avoid alcohol. If I'm driving, which I have to do more and morenthen I treat myself to Nozecco - it's very tasty.

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See how I am just feel tired hopefully ill feel better once I got my make up and outfit on

Jourdain - I agree. I love that Nonsecco!

Answerbank is not the place to seek medical advice - speak to your dctor or pharmacist.

She won't do that Canary.  Easier to type on here then ignore our advice. 

Things must be improving. She has decided on an outfit!

Was it a stressful day at work that's tired you out and brought on this headache? 

If you don't want to cancel and let your friend down, just explain the situation to her, go out for an hour or two, have a nice chat and stay off the alcohol. 

Abbey good advice, as there usually is... but my advice would be to take a breather and stop propping yourself up... especially if you're not up to it. A paracetomal is ok for a few medicinal things ( as pointed out read carefully for yourself)

I would just stay home and recoupe let you body fix it'self I'm sure your friend will understand.

Today is my Brothers Birthday but has plans for tomorrow, but after the mucus I've had and the hectic week... know I'll need to get well If I want to be better for Christmas next week.


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