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Guardian Cryptic Today

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falltutt | 09:30 Sat 21st Dec 2024 | Crosswords
10 Answers

Quite frankly, my heart sinks when I see Maskerade - I find no pleasure in it the way he/she has put that together - I was looking forward to today's as well.... hey ho



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couldnt agree more falitut. I look forward to the 'prize" xword each week and the hour or so brain flexing and complete it most weeks, but this isnt a crossword puzzle its a cipher and typical Maskerade, compiled for their own gratification rather than the solvers. I didnt work for Bletchley so I'm giving it a miss. I like a tough challenge but I've other things to do like celebrate Xmas!!!

I agree with you falltutt - it's so disappointing when you just don't know where to begin....☹


I agree, my heart also sinks when I see Maskarade. I don't enjoy any of his puzzles. Araucaria spoiled us when it came to Bank Holiday specials.

1d is a good place to start....then that helps with a few acrosses...

I can't find it. Which section and page is it please?

Thank you, Roslyn. It's not in the paper then?

I've downloaded it but wish I hadn't bothered.

Despite that, I'll give it a go.

Just finished it... maybe the worst one I've ever done...


My eyes are boggling, looking at lists!

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