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Guardian Cryptic Today

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falltutt | 09:30 Sat 21st Dec 2024 | Crosswords
13 Answers

Quite frankly, my heart sinks when I see Maskerade - I find no pleasure in it the way he/she has put that together - I was looking forward to today's as well.... hey ho



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couldnt agree more falitut. I look forward to the 'prize" xword each week and the hour or so brain flexing and complete it most weeks, but this isnt a crossword puzzle its a cipher and typical Maskerade, compiled for their own gratification rather than the solvers. I didnt work for Bletchley so I'm giving it a miss. I like a tough challenge but I've other things to do like celebrate Xmas!!!

I agree with you falltutt - it's so disappointing when you just don't know where to begin....☹


I agree, my heart also sinks when I see Maskarade. I don't enjoy any of his puzzles. Araucaria spoiled us when it came to Bank Holiday specials.

1d is a good place to start....then that helps with a few acrosses...

I can't find it. Which section and page is it please?

Thank you, Roslyn. It's not in the paper then?

I've downloaded it but wish I hadn't bothered.

Despite that, I'll give it a go.

Just finished it... maybe the worst one I've ever done...


My eyes are boggling, looking at lists!

I have them all except the acacia species. Sounds like sway or rock. Six letters, missing three vowels, consonants in order ssl

By the way, Maskarade is Doc, The Spectator crossword editor.

Sll not ssl 🙄. Thank you answered now 

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