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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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ToraToraTora | 20:09 Fri 20th Dec 2024 | Film, Media & TV
31 Answers

MC this time.....

Q: The answer to the ultimate question is revealed how many minutes into the film "The hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy"?

A: 22  B: 42  C: 62

Answer A:





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^ I'o

Crikey my "o" s have gone mad this morning folks.  Trying to correct my slip at 10.15.  Should say "I'm" 

Probably makes me even more of a moron! Hey ho!

You walk among us SD.

Teacake, NMA? It's a long time since she's posted

Question Author

10:28 Teacake = nicebloke me old china.

Out of interest Tora, did you crack open the Christmas sherry last night? You seemed a little feisty onna couple of different posts 🍷🍸

Gawd blimey guvnor! Yet another post from our old china who knows the answer to every question in the universe. I bet he could even tell you the name of the winning jockey in The Irish Greyhound Derby.

A serious case of rectocranial inversion!

I remind everyone of site rule 2

"Any instances of members referring to other members as anything but their preferred names, preferred prefixes, or preferred pronouns will be removed. Repeated offences will result in suspensions."

Question Author

10:35 well I did have a xmas lunch from 1pm to about 8pm! that might explain it!


That explains it 😂

It might explain it but it does not excuse it!

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T W A U ... The's Gem.....

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