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Annoying Habits

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barry1010 | 15:30 Sun 22nd Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
34 Answers

We've all got them, what are yours?

I can't help it, whenever I hear a foreign phrase or a word I've never heard before on TV  I have to repeat it. It's an unconscious reaction.




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I'm a spelling and punctuation nerd.  Can't help myself but do try very hard not to correct posts on AB or FB.

How would we know? Only others would know surely?

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TTT, unless you live in isolation or immune to body language you'd know

I bite my finger nails quite badly - always have, probably always will. Stress/anxiety related? dunno . Wish I could stop (I've tried).

Good thing - I'm no longer flexible enough to bite my toe nails!

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Never give up hope davebro, I suddenly gave up lifelong nailbiting in my mid-seventies - I've no idea why.

No teeth?


Like maggiebee..........I'm forever correcting pronunciation these days or so it seems.

I can't seem to do one thing at a time. I go to make coffee, get distracted into emptying the bin, take the rubbish outside and do a bit of weeding. I come back indoors and make the coffee; pop to the loo and clean the shower. Must remember to empty the weed bucket and drink the coffee. 

I must be quite annoying, I suppose. But not as bad as Husband.

His is doing a lip-smacking thing when he's had a few drinks. Drives me nutty. Also trimming his nose hair while he's watching tv. Bleugh! 

Swearing and shouting at the TV, notably commentators. 

Just remembered one of mine. I've got a very 'clicky' toe. I like to stretch and contract it to make it click. My son does the same. It really annoys me, so I have to ask him to stop. I carry on though, of course. 😀

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Some of these replies are giving me the horrors 

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