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Can I Freeze

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poorclare | 14:48 Mon 23rd Dec 2024 | Food & Drink
14 Answers

I have just received Ready to Eat ~ Irish Strew (Jackson Greens Belfast)

Can I freeze this ?

Thanking you  😀



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It will say on it if it can be frozen.

To help anyone who needs to know more about the product:

I can't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to freeze it:

Question Author

But it does not say, and not every item  does say, this is why I asked.

Am unable to get through

to them on the phone.

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Thank you Buenchico.

I will check that out.

Hope you have a good 


Clare   😀

Best to ask the company, I've looked on the website and there is very little information 

Apologies, I started my post, the doorbell rang and I didn't check before posting 

^I was about to post the same as barry...where is a list of ingredients, for instance?  Very poor, imo.

There might be a 'Storage' message on the wrapping, and that might mention freezing.

Question Author

Thank you all for your help.

I call into the shop often But have never bought the stew,  and at the moment am housebound due to sciatica.

Thank you  😀

You can freeze all sorts of other brands of Irish stew so I can see no reason why you can't freeze this. 

The real answer can freeze anything. Whether it's worth eating after thawing is another matter.

You're not supposed to freeze most food that's previously been frozen, that's the problem.

Is there a use by date on it?

They say 3 months max

Drop them an e-mail if you can't get through on phone ...

[email protected]

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Can I Freeze

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