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Rebellion In Labour Ranks

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naomi24 | 12:57 Thu 26th Dec 2024 | News
15 Answers

Thirty-five red wall MPs from pro-Brexit constituencies have warned Keir Starmer that unless he gets tough on immigration they are in danger of losing their seats to Reform.  He might rest on his laurels - if he had any to rest on.  It's not been much of a honeymoon.  I can't post a link but it's widely reported across the media.  



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Nothing gets an MP's April twiching more than potentially losing their seat. As has been said labour's majority is wide but shallow. Labour have gone from 174 majority to 41 short of a majority in les than 6 months.


//the Red Wall Caucus urging the PM to be more vocal about his plans to get a grip on the issue(immigration).//

He doesn't have a clue never mind "plans"!

Oh dear, the overwhelming defeat still rankles 😁

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The overwhelming bit rapidly shrinking, canary. 

Matters not a jot. They have four and a half years to run.

MPs often "threaten" to defy their Whips. But come the day they will dutifully file through the correct part of the lobby. One or two of them might have a bad cold or a dodgy back on the day, but that's as good as it will get. They owe their seats to their party.

They know that and at the end of the day it is the £££ signs that force the way they vote. Most Labour MPs must know by now that they are only there for one Parliament so they'll make the most of it. 

True. But acting as lobby fodder rather than voting in line with conscience is hardly making the most of a short political career.

^^          ^^
Having a conscience does not pay the bills OG,they know they are out after the next election but will be on a nice little pension after 5 years a MP.

damn savages...

that unless he gets tough on immigration they are in danger of losing their seats to Reform

and he said: oh well I'm not"

it is four glorious years away innit - the next  GE

2.05pm - are you happy with the Labour shambles then Canary?


If this was a Tory Govt being this dire you're the type of clown who would be skipping to the keyboard with gay abandon to pile in.

What could any party do to deal with refugees or economic migrants?

I can't see an answer.

I agree sandyRoe.


Across the parties they make platitudes about combating the problem* and Starmer in the run up to the election kept on banging on about "smashing the gangs", but I don't feel any of them have the stomach to properly deal with it. And yet we still have all these predominately young men arriving on our shores and they will not contribute.


*problem is too mild a word - it is a crisis.

SR //What could any party do to deal with refugees or economic migrants?

I can't see an answer.//

Well, MP Rupert Lowe (whom God preserve) can;

35 MP's to want to join reform before the end of the term?

Maybe if they want to hava a longer career than one term.

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