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Planes Trains And Automobiles......on Now....

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ToraToraTora | 16:12 Mon 30th Dec 2024 | Film, Media & TV
20 Answers

....FGS what is happenning with entertainment? They cut the entire F word scene at the car rental desk! Un effing believable! Trobbery is killing film and TV.



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netherfieldIn this scene Steve Martin, has been deposited in a wintry airport car park to pick up a rental car which turns out not to be there...even though every other car on the lot is available.He has to make his way back to the airport check-in desk, and you see him fuming as he stands in line to be seen by a customer servcies agent who's ignorning the queue and...
22:37 Mon 30th Dec 2024

Maybe because it's on early and children will be watching.

Hardly "killing"...

There were nineteen f-words in about a minute and many were used in a close up shot of Steve Martin's face so it have been difficult to disguise what he was saying.

In the 70s the F word never have been broadcast before the watershed so you can't blame 'woke' if it's cut out of an afternoon broadcast.

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It's a key scene better to not show the film at all.

Didn't you laugh at the rest of it?

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when I watch these classic films and TV I expect it to be complete as it originally was. I know the film well and look forward to certain lines and scenes, when they are cut it's a dissappointment. I'll be interested to see if they dismember it when it's on after 9pm if it ever is.

Apparently it's available on Amazon Prime.  No idea if it's been tampered with though.

The film was on Channel 4 from 2:50pm to 4:40pm and you expected it to be broadcast in full, including repeated use of the f-word?

Are you serious???

I'm sure Tora will recover. At least until he sees The Dam Busters on TV, and they change the dog's name.

Why does it need the F word in the first place?

Why does it need the F word in the first place?

It's called 'Digger' now, isn't it?

That's as it should be, no need to gratuitously insult anyone.

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the dog's name has not changed.

Is there a dog in this film???

Shrinking, a tv series on Apple TV has an F word every other sentence. I think the writers are trying to make the word more common usage, declassifying it’s obscene connotation. They have failed miserably in my opinion.

Planes Trains and Automobiles for the most part is fine to show before the watershed. It's just that one scene which is problematic.

It simply can't be shown when the film starts in the middle of the afternoon.

The unexpurgated version of the movie can be streamed on Amazon Prime and Paramount+.

Alternatively if you don't subscribe to these services, you could always go online and complain for no good reason.


In this scene Steve Martin, has been deposited in a wintry airport car park to pick up a rental car which turns out not to be there...even though every other car on the lot is available.

He has to make his way back to the airport check-in desk, and you see him fuming as he stands in line to be seen by a customer servcies agent who's ignorning the queue and chatting to a friend about her thanksgiving plans.

The reason the scene needs the F bombs is because up until now Steve Martin's character is a lit fuse and the scene is the bomb.

It's hilarious.

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finally someone gets it!

That scene is funny but it's not suitable to broadcast it mid-afternoon on Channel 4.

The fact it has a certificate is neither here nor there.

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Planes Trains And Automobiles......on Now....

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