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A Thread About Censorship In Films Shown On Television..

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sandyRoe | 19:29 Mon 30th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
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...prompted this thought: Did Kenneth Tynan set us on a downward path when he first used the 'F word ' on a late-night BBC 2 programme?



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Wasnt it Brendan Behan who first used the"f"word on television?
19:33 Mon 30th Dec 2024

Nothing wrong with a few profanities in a show or movie, as long as it is shown in an appropriate time slot. Those on streaming services tend to have warnings for unsuitable content on them.

These days a bit of standard Dan Daring is nowhere near as bad as common words that used to be allowed and have now been hijacked by the wokerati as bad.

TTT, it's not so long ago I watched a sitcom where mother and very young daughter were in a slanging match repeatedly calling each other the 'c' word. 

Programmes like QI often have swear words that would not have been acceptable on that sort of show 15 years ago

That word was used 18 times in a single episode 

you can say c + f as much as you like but try saying P (ikey) or the N word etc and the wokestapo will have a fit.

or ya know, two girls kissing.  then see the woke ninnies screaming

You can use the C and F words against anyone without then applying to anyone else, the are addressed to that individual; but the words you refer to insults every one in specific sectors of society. Surely you can see the difference.

You are implying that  a person of a certain skin colour or heritage is offensive in itself

You've not addressed the issue of an 18 certificate film being shown on the BBC in the morning and folk being unaware of any warning about the content.

22:25 //you can say c + f as much as you like but try saying P (ikey) or the N word etc and the wokestapo will have a fit//


Any of those words are acceptable in the right context, just like any other insult or cuss. Then again, see too many non-white preformers/LGBTQ+ characters/mixed raced couples etc, and the other side kick off.


Basically filmmakers can't please both sides, so they may as well please themselves.

The N word is used regularly by coloured people that I know, so there can't be that much wrong with it. Who remembers the old paint charts that used to be available in paint and wallpaper stores where one of the colours available was N----R Brown? Wokestapo indeed!

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Kiwi shoe polish had the same name for one of its products.

barry: "You can use the C and F words against anyone without then applying to anyone else, the are addressed to that individual; but the words you refer to insults every one in specific sectors of society. Surely you can see the difference."  you mean like "Those F ers in the civil service"? You can include a group with those too me old china.

You have to add the extra words though, so not the same thing at all.

How about Civil Service c****s.

No extra words there.

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Anybody remember Channel 4 in its early days?

They'd use a red triangle to warn about adult content in films.


Only if it also featured a broken down car  Sandy.

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