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Arise Sir Sadiq Khan.

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gulliver1 | 18:03 Tue 31st Dec 2024 | News
31 Answers

Enjoy your Knighthood Sir Sadiq, and just ignore the Rage of the Tories. You have worked more for your Gong than David Cameron's Barber, or even Boris Johnsons Brother.What a pity Boris couldn't get his Gravy Train Father" Stan the man" knighted..



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David Cameron's Barber, or even Boris Johnsons Brother, didn't screw up London did they.
22:52 Tue 31st Dec 2024

So you either can't or wont answer my question at 9.22 then gulliver.

He's confused. 

^^ He said he was sorry they were parting

... that was to gulliver

I don't think you've quite understood Old_Geezer's BA gulliver1.

Mad Sad spouts garbage and people believe him. He said that traffic pollution in London was responsible for the deaths of 4,00 people a year but he has no proof of that. He couldn't name one person who's died of TP. 

It's more likely that people died of poor living standards and lifestyles - living standards that are supposed to be set by the organisation that Mad Sad is the mayor of. Poor lifestyles that are the result of bad housing, unemployment and criminality within London. This knighthood is an endorsement of failure. And I know I'm not the first to say that. 

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How naughty of Sadiq to poke fun at the Tories and the rain soaked Richi Sunaks GE announcement at Downing St last May by playing "Why does it always rain on me" followed by "Things can only get better"At his New Years eve party.Ha ha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣lol

DD, no chance of gulliver admitting that he got it wrong so either no answer to my question or sarky one.  Probably just start new thread now as he usually does after messing up.  His mate isn't here to back him up for some reason.

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How come it is allowed to say "Mad Sad "on this thread but not "Bonker Boris" Is there any biased Mods on here ?

Because Sad is mad & Boris isn't bonkers maybe ?

Gulliver, you really are confused.  See your post at 21.40 yesterday. 

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