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For All Those Just About Managing To Pay For A Private Education.....

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ToraToraTora | 14:39 Wed 01st Jan 2025 | News
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This cynical punishment of parents, some of whom will not be rich, has 100% been driven purely by ideology.
20:51 Thu 02nd Jan 2025

OG, but it's not a level playing field.  Parents of children at state school don't pay VAT. 

16.19 Spot on, as you can see by the answer removed above your answer. Answer bank is a very closed Blue shop.

Up the revolution !

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OG: "There was never a legitimate reason to let them off the tax; by doing do it was providing an effective subsidy for them." - they are paying the fees out of income that is already taxed anyway.

Other businesses pay VAT. Comparing private with public services will always differ.

17.24 What a ridiculous juvenile answer.

And OG, they pay their taxes which means they are paying extra to educate their children - as well as relieving the state of the responsibility.  It's a win all round for the state.... if only those in control weren't blind.

We all pay taxes, those who want better, or what they perceive as better, pay again.


It's the State's responsibility to provide adequate services. If they want people to go private then they shouldn't sub private commercial concerns, but instead give grants equally to all who want to send their kids elsewhere.


Obviously that isn't going to happen so the State needs to accept the true cost of providing the services that they should be providing, and ensuring they treat all businesses equally, not letting some off taxes.

Naomi .Everyone pays their taxes and still has to pay VAT on everthing they want after that. Who are these privileged parents who think they should be excused.Please tell me.

There are pupils who should attend state school but the state doesn't meet their needs. Some private schools are geared up to cope. The council pays for this. Councils now face higher costs, they will increase council tax to cover this.

Wrong gulliver. Parents don't pat VAT on childrens clothes, most food items, books, Medical supplies and equipment, Training courses, Antiques,Goods donated to charity shops, Publications ( books, magazine, newspaper etc), Gambling, Admission charges by charities or cultural organisations, etc

//It would be a happy day when no school was better than any other.//

But that day will never come, whatever social engineering is attempted or however much more public money is invested in state schools. A school in a fairly affluent suburb with well educated, supportive parents will almost always be regarded as a better school based on outcomes than a school in the more deprived parts of areas such as Blackpool, Skelmersdale or parts of East London.

Gulliver,  As you say everyone pays tax but those who send their children to state school don't pay tax on education.  

I think reasoned argument isn't of any use here Naomi- it's a combination of envy, punishing ambition and ignoring unforeseen consequences that drives policies such as this and their supporters.

Having said that, if it raises a tiny bit more money and makes society feel a bit fairer/more equal even though it's not, I don't mind too much. I just think they should be more open about the real motivation behind the policy.

Labour has upset all walks of life, and blame the Tories for how bad a state the country is in. 

They did exactly the same thing the last time they came into power and took over from the Tories. 

It baffles me why did so many people vote them back in. 

We really needed a fresh party to breathe a fresh start, but we are stuck with a more of the same situation for another term. 

God help us!! 

At age 4 yrs 10 mths., my elder daughter had a reading age of 9 yrs 7 mths. and had shown reading readiness at 18 mths (same as me) so I taught her to read.  I ended up having to write stories with appropriate age content. 

The local infant/junior schools insisted that they taught phonics and she would have to start again with the phonics system.

What would you have done?

She went to a Preparatory School, which could accommodate her special need and advance her - jumped a couple of years into secondary and so I had to go private again.  Ended up with a degree in pure chemistry from Durham (a year or 2 young).

The second daughter was the same.

A plus was that the only school which taught Latin was the Private Grammar which they both attended.  

Financially - it broke me--- I'd be much better off now.

But they were precociously bright.......would any of you have stunted their educational growth?  The state system couldn't handle them.

It's grossly unfair.

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jourdain, Labour hate private education except for their own children. They also want to abolish grammar schools and thus want all our kids to have the lowest common denominator education. They don't even like streaming. They would have condemed your kids to stagnate until all the other kids catch up.

Will keep my views and opinions to myself, 

o god another poster has been modded out.

My dear father paid for the four of us, and poimted out his taxes paid for another four

un-mimsy I know, this post will not live

jourdain, Labour hate private education except for their own children.

hilary benn - my parents educated us according to their political  beliefs and not our educational needs

oo-er Tony !

OG, but it's not a level playing field.  Parents of children at state school don't pay VAT. 

o my gawd ! I dont know where to start with that one.

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