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In Pain And I'm Plastered

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nailedit | 09:58 Wed 01st Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
34 Answers

So much going on at the same time.

Judge me/ humour me/hate me/ tolerate me/ whatever!!.. I dont really care anymore.


Im in so much pain and pzzd at the same time.

Drank almost a litre of vodka this morning (thats more than usual, but trying to deal with pain that meds wont touch)


Saying that its trapped wind isnt really helping.


Dont know who to ring or where to go?

No matter what, its always put down to my alcohol problem.

If my head fell off it would be put down to drink....



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"Dont know who to ring or where to go?"  AA-

Nailedit, if nothing is different this time from the last and all the times before that - your post at 10.20 - you can stop drinking now. Your claim that you could fit and die if you do it now can only have been an excuse - a reason you're giving yourself to continue.  No one can make you stop - you have to really want to stop - and from what I'm reading you don't.  Sorry if that sounds harsh but that's how it's coming across.


I think NailedIt means if he stops abruptly then it could kill him. He probably would need to reduce his consumption over a few days, a week, but it's not easy.

" ... you have to really want to stop ..." Anyone who hasn't been an alcoholic can't know. It's not about being strong or having willpower.


Drmorgans, it takes strength and it takes willpower.  It isn't going to go away by itself.  No one is shoving alcohol down an alcoholic's gullet and no one except the alcoholic is responsible for what he or she is doing.  I know someone who drank from the moment she woke up in the morning and was eventually hospitalised as an emergency when her internal organs began failing.  The doctors pretty much read her what you might call the riot act and told her she had one choice.  Live or die.  That was several years ago and she has never touched alcohol again.  That was her choice.


I am glad your acquaintance managed to come off and stay off. I should have not "just about being strong or having willpower.

Several people close to me have died through drink and they were tough, intelligent people.


I don't think intelligence is a factor - more a case of the flesh is willing but the spirit weak.  They call alcohol 'the demon drink'.  Nailedit is extremely intelligent - as is my acquaintance.  

Some can lick it, some can't. It's the way of the world.

Very sad.

You've mentioned in recent posts that you have a grandchild.  Are you not embarrassed at the state you are in?  You should be ashamed.

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nailedit, you type remarkably well for one 'plastered'//


Years of unwelcome bloody practice...


//Are you not embarrassed at the state you are in?  You should be ashamed//


" why do you asume that I am NOT ashamed"?

And yes. I AM embarressed .



How are you feeling now nailedit? 

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//you have to really want to stop - and from what I'm reading you don't.//

So thats why I went 17 weeks sober and then 5 months sober and then 2 month sober?


Am really trying here.

If you are not an addict then you really wont get it ( couldnt even expect you to, to be fare)

But give me some credit at least. I'm trying!

As Bill Wyman sang

I could take the 'overcraft...

Nailedit, you and I go back a long way and I've always given you credit.

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