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Celebrity Specials

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Quenched | 19:36 Wed 01st Jan 2025 | TV
10 Answers

Is it a sign of getting old when you watch a celebrity special of a regular show and don't recognise a single celebrity. 

Currently watching celebrity Mastermind but I don't know any of them. 

I've experienced this a lot over the celebrity specials over the Christmas period. 


Could it be television these days are so watered down by so many channels, compared to the old days when millions were all watching the same things. 



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It's more a sign of the media you use. A lot of "celebs" these days are bloggers, influencers etc on the net. I don't use any of that so I also have no clue who a lot of them are.


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ToraToraTora thanks, I think you are right. 

I only watch normal tv, I don't do podcasts or anything like that. 

I find it amusing how the organisers behind so many celebrity specials expect a large amount of viewers to know who the so called celebrities are. They just aswell be any Joe from the street. 

I suspect these bloggers, etc. etc. reckon that by appearing on celebrity specials boosts their appeal to their fan base as well as introduces us to them and we can go to their site and follow them, (no, thank you! :) )

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Thats a possibility. It just seems odd to me to create celebrity specials with unknown celebrities, well their unknown to me. 

Most of the celebrity specials I seen recently I didn't know one single celebrity. Very strange really. 

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Thanks, I didn't come across that.

Seems coincidence there's other people with the same gripe as me. 

These programmes are made on a tight budget. Real celebrities don't need the exposure and it doesn't do their image much good if they are appearing alongside a bunch of oddities nobody knows. Comes across as desperation

I would rather see the general public than so called celebrities on these shows.  

//I would rather see the general public than so called celebrities on these shows//

Indeed - in fact I don't watch any of these type of shows with any celebrities , (apart from very occasionally , catchphrase ) whether they are   well known or not .


I agree the non sleb episodes are better 

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