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Good Morning Thursday Birds.

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Smowball | 08:19 Thu 02nd Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
6 Answers

Omg where do 2 year olds get their energy!?? Yesterday from the sec my son arrived their 2yr old and 4 yr old literally did not sit still lol. 2 hr old was like a little wound up toy - tipping all cats biscuits into their water bowl, then into the floor, repeat...... 'posting' everything she could find thru the cat flap in back door out into the garden in the rain..... including the tv remote! Cats hid upstairs the entire time until they went to bed lol!

Am thrilled to see them as they never visit but Christ I'm shattered!!! LOL..... only 3 more days .... lol.



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Oh gosh Smow, that sounds so familiar! One grandson used to push his arm through the cat flap bellowing "cat, come". Understandably the cat didn't come. Another grandson sits down beside me with such force that I'm catapulted into the air. Wishing you good luck for the next three days!

I know!  When I go to see my little grandson I'm shattered after two days. Enjoy the rest of your time with them. 
At least let your son and his gf do all the running around. You can watch the mayhem unfold from a comfy seat. 

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And who remembers the 2 yr old tantrums!!!

No wonder you are shattered, we have friends in a similar situation and they say the same thing. Can you take a post lunch nap?

Maybe suggest, weather permitting, that they take the children to a local park,  let them run off their excess energy.  My grandchildren are pass that stage but I can remember it was lovely to see them but even lovelier when they left   x

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Am taking them all to a Kidspace indoor adventure thing with ball parks etc etc...... I will not be going in with them! 
God I feel awful saying it but I'm counting the hours till bedtime!!

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Good Morning Thursday Birds.

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