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Spectator N0 2684 : Romans 5 By Fieldfare

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Matakari | 10:13 Fri 03rd Jan 2025 | Crosswords
20 Answers

Happy, peaceful and fruitful New Year to all! I’m stuck on the following for which I would appreciate some help. Thanks in advance!

1a   Material two monarchs contribute to law suit (8) :  C???????
42a Where to drive in India? A hairy proposition (6)    :  ??A?E?
4d   Come back lean, full of power (5) :  ?E?L?

7d  Find the Scots adore keeping a pet (6)  : A?C???



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1 Cashmere HM and ER inside Case, law suit.

42 Goatee, hairy - Goa Tee

7 Locate - Loe, Scots for 'love' with Cat inside.

4 Reply, come back. Rely, lean, depend on, with P, power inside.


PS  Sorry, Matakari, Happy 2025!

7d locate

Question Author

Many thanks, NACW and Canary42! This one slipped through the net for which I would appreciate an answer:

14a A sort of card for donation ( 3 ) : ???

And a confirmation for the following before I go on to the Unclueds:

26a Is hanged, not with squeals ( 5 ) : SI??S   ( SINGS )


14 Aid - A ID (card), donation.

26 Yes, Swings, hangs, drop the W, with, sings,squeals, informs.

You're welcome, Matakari.

Question Author

Good morning, seeking a confirmation for the following unclueds, thanks!

43a :  ?A?E?T?S

15d :  ?E?ICT?

19d :   ?LAG?A?T?

36d :    ?I?O

'Yes' to those, Matakari.

Question Author

Many thanks, NACW! As I work towards the linking of the remainingt unclueds, this one surprises me:
21d Bad splinters around crack cleared (8) : A?S?O?E?

Thanks, Matakari.

21 Absolved, cleared - anagram of Bad around Solve, crack.

Question Author

Thanks, NACW, I did get 21d, but wrongly entered 31a. Now any hints for linking 43a, 15d, 19d, 36d? 

Thanks, Matakari. I was hoping you'd manage the theme stuff yourself, but...

19 and 15 go together

43 Follows a word you must already have, 36 precedes a word you should have already.

Question Author

Thanks, NACW, I have all of the Unclueds and have linked them. 11d ( Pupillary ) seems to stand on its own? I would appreciate an example of  how to arrive at “ The first five words  hidden in the grid.” Thanks again!

Matakari, you've overlooked an early Down, unthemed entry. As you have the phrases, there  should be something very obvious missing from all of them - the word that starts them!  (I expect a quick look in Chambers would confirm this, I don't think most solvers would have needed it.)Then all you need to do is find those words in the grid...

Matakari, just in case you're still baffled - have you ever seen or heard 19, 15 being used as it is? The same goes for the others! 

Question Author

Thanks again, NACW, I have expressions like MEDIAS IN RES,

IN FLAGRANTE DELICTO ( IN BLAZING OFFENCE ), giro nabeatus, but the five hidden words in the grid?

Matakari ...... what is the first word in each of the phrases ?    Look for it in the grid !


In Flagrante delicto

In Medias Res

In loco parentis

In vino veritas

Matakari, sorry my help rebounded - you seem to have got into an even bigger pickle! As JJ said, all you had to do was put In in front of the phrases. I hope you have better luck finding the Ins - I need my faith in human nature restored!

Question Author

Well, well, well! Many thanks, jj109, NACW, Canary42, I jusy could not believe it was that simple! I was looking for something complicated.

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Spectator N0 2684 : Romans 5 By Fieldfare

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