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What Is Intellectual Culture?

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John32433 | 22:16 Mon 19th Mar 2018 | History
13 Answers
If asked what role ancient Roman women played in intellectual culture, would it be to do with religion? What else comes under intellectual culture?


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Try looking up each word individually and seeing if you can come to any conclusions.
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I think its more of a social history subject
It's not a phrase I've come across and I'd wonder what it meant, how it differed from other types of culture and be loathe to make a guess. But Yahoo seems to have attracted an opinion.
Of course the best action would be to ask the person who used the phrase what they meant by it.
Suggest you read the history of Aspasia
first decide what culture means
what about - "a group of people sharing a common set of beliefs, activities and artefacts..."
then that includes - kitchen culture and the activities of buying and selling - also of slavery and oops prostitution

all of which I think are excluded by the word intellectual

so what is left - literature - poetry - books - religion possibly, politics

actually - not a bad question
takes poesy only
Latin lit - what do the women do ? well they are adored by the poets - examples - Daphne, Lycoris, Lesbia
( sorry giving only their poetic names)
as opposed to Greek Lit - Sappho - wrote poetry

Religion - you have the vestal virgins - but they werent intellectuals

see how it goes....
Jackdaw is a Latinist so he mahy be able to fill in the rathe large gaps

the only and first literature by a womenis here,_Saint_Felicitas,_and_their_Companions

Perpetua writes an account of her own imprisonment
which is thought to be authentic....
and not much earlier
We were never allowed to read Sappho at school in case we got ideas.
This is HUGE question. Sorry, you need to break it up. Is this homework?
oh. we found EASILY the oldest Latin papyrus with elegiacs by C. Gallus

He was the first prefect of Egypt - invented Latin elegiacs ( along wiv Tibullus, Propertius ) - anjd was forced to commit suicide for setting up images of himself. Busy fella. - much excitement and whooppee in the Classics Depts.

whereas when the new Sappho - was discovered it was all over page 3 of the Sun - fooah! what a wopper etc

Sappho is greek in case anyone has got this far and thinks she was a Roman woman
Sappho lived on the island of Lesbos. You get my drift.

Late entry - Sappho's long poem - written up by Dirk Obbink ( I kid you nart) is er rather in the shade.

Dirk is the subject of a default civil debt for around $5m for selling other peoples documents

and may have written ( yes written ) this himself

which is ironic

when we found the oldest papyrus Latin - Elegiacs by Gallsu , some old sober sides  thought it was  forgery

and Robert Anderson one of the finders, said " no one on the site could write first century Latin" - variant spelling maxumus for maximus = dieis for deis

and the Latinists found the spelling reforms were all in Quinitilian ( no dont read)




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