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How Much Snow?

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davebro3 | 07:01 Sun 05th Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
28 Answers

We seem to have very little here (W Mids). Certainly nothing that merits the severe weather warnings we've had. MET office being over-cautious? What's it like at yours?



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Hi, rain all night here in Devon and it's still raining.  They have had snow in the north of the county and a bit further up in Somerset but just very wet here.

It is already 13 degrees here is Devon so certainly won't be seeing any today. Only problem, it is pouring with rain.

We have had a dusting here in Preston, it is currently zero degrees and we currently have a sort of wet sleet coming down

We've checked the doorbell cam back home and it doesn't look that bad. 

Light covering everywhere here in Greater London at around 10pm lastnight. But already had some drizzle which has melted some of it,

Derbyshire ...about 10cm during the night, but now raining so it'll soon be gone

It was snowing last night here in Somerset. We weren't expecting it. Thought it would be further north than us. Nothing left of it now. 

We had about an inch at around 10.00 here in Bedfordshire. It seems to have thawed a bit overnight  🤞 the rest will disappear during the day

Snowed all night up here. About 6 to 8 ins depending whether the ground was wet when it started. No one has tried to get up or down the hill yet and we will not be trying. Stay home and hope the power stays on as I braise up some steak and onions. The sky looks like it may have more to come but the f/cast says it will turn to rain. We left the gas fire on very low last night to keep the roof space above freezing as the gas bill is just less than the insurance excess but without the hassle of a burst pipe. 

We weren't expecting snow here in Suffolk.  (The forecast was for rain for us). so I was surprised to see a thin covering of snow on the ground when I got up at 0715.  However it was already drizzling, so it clearly wasn't going to stay for long.

Snow updates here:

Raining at Hayling

West Yorkshire around 6 inches on the front lawn right now, seems to have stopped now though.

It appears to be raining at Abbey Road (London) but as I type there's a couple doing the usual tourist photo thing, with umbrellas - very authentic LOL.      


South east, torrential rain. 12 C.

The British obsession with the weather! Sheesh! The main item on the BBC News last night said there was going to be snow. Fancy that, eh? Snow in January! What next? The first person interviewed said he was going sledging. First item. Main news. Going sledging. 😄😄

British obsession - what about across the pond ?       


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Aye, but when we have 4 cms. they have 4 ft.! 🤣

We are in West Yorkshire and have about 8 inches in our garden and it's still snowing.

Definitely raining here in London.

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