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What's The Right Thing To Do

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JinnyJoan | 20:02 Sun 05th Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Two of my lovely friends are going for a meal and a show I think Thursday.

I know the restaurant and I will ring tomorrow and find out the time - I want to pay some money of their bill.

What's the right way for me to do this over the phone.  Thanks



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Best ask the restaurant if then can take a payment from your card in advance or see if they sell gift vouchers.

Only the restaurant will be able to tell you if it's possible 

it seems to me the esiest way it just to give your friend th cash and say "put this towards your meal"  If they have to cancel (flu; broken wrist; car break down) you will have wasted your money

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oh bednobs dear - not in a million years they would take money from me - and I did want it to be a surprise as in the last year they have surprised me with some lovely gifts

ok luvvie, is it a chain?

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well I couldna tella ya if it is a chain - no it is not McDonalds etc - think it could be a swanky place - if I lose some money - they will be worth it so maybe I will give it a chance.

Call the restaurant, ask for the manager and explain what you want to do. If its a good place they should accomodate you

Yes, I agree with calmck. It will be a lovely surprise for your friends. 

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a wee update - contacted restaurant in question and they said they couldn't or wouldn't do it - but later on in the better weather will get another nice idea for the two of them.

It was a lovely thought, JJ. 

Is there a nice hotel that does afternoon teas or lunches and sells gift vouchers in Belfast? I don't know anyone that doesn't enjoy afternoon tea with a friend.

There is! The Merchant Hotel sells gift vouchers in £2O units.

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