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henrys202020 | 20:10 Mon 06th Jan 2025 | Body & Soul
2 Answers

anyone  one  tried   tinnitus   ear  spray



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If it worked, Boots would sell it.  They don't:

If it worked, Tinnitus UK would suggest trying it.  They don't:

If it worked, the NHS website would refer to it.  It doesn't:

There are some websites which suggest that, if tinnitus is caused by sinusitis, then a nasal spray to alleviate that sinusitis might help.  However the root cause of most cases of tinnitus is generally unknown (and unlikely to be linked to sinus problems) so, in the vast majority of cases, a nasal spray is unlikely to help).

Bookbinder's link embraces review to all of Medilisk's products  (rather than just to their tinnitus ear spray).  However, while I can see how it might help to clear a bit of ear wax (which can be done far more cheaply anyway), I can see nothing in the list of ingredients for the spray which might possibly help to relieve tinnitus:

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