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Does Anyone Else Think This Is Pathetic?

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abbeylee90 | 19:27 Mon 06th Jan 2025 | How it Works
34 Answers

Ever since my incident with a bulldog down the dogs home the boss has said I'm not to walk any bullies but some of the staff have been given me a bully recently and she is so well behaved I've walked lurchers worst behaved then her. Then when I ask for her last weekend a member off staff said no bullies and when I mention I had recently he said staff shouldn't have given them out to me. 



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Yes just not mine who pays me. 

Abbey, the boss has said you've not to walk bullies, some of the staff have obviously been told you have not to walk bullies - so it's not pathetic at all that you were told other members of staff shouldn't have given you bullies!

Abbey, what's paying you got to do with anything, to do with your question?

You volunteer, she's the boss of the employed AND the volunteers of the dogs home.



a person who does a job without being paid for it

So you're not a volunteer now????

The point is you knew you shouldn't have taken the bulldog but you did.

Plenty places are staffed by volunteers but they will have someone who is ultimately responsible for them whilst on their premises or carrying out tasks on their behalf.

You are a volunteer but you are working on behalf of the dogs' home and if you choose to ignore reasonable management instructions again, you might not be allowed to carry on there.

She is your boss.

If you seen another volunteer bad-using one of the dogs, who would you report that to?

-- answer removed --

Abbey, I used to be a cook, and I had volunteers who worked with me every day. I was their boss in that kitchen...they did what I required/asked them to. That's generally what volunteers do. They help as needed. They do not do what they want to do. You seem to think that if they don't pay you, then you're not required to follow instructions. Whomever is in your boss.

Are you still working in the charity shop?  It should give you experience for your CV.

If your boss doesn't think that you can cope with Bully type dogs then you would be stupid to continue to do so.   

I don't think so, Wolf. Abbey didn't like being with older people 🙄

Most of us are 'old'.😂


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