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Why Are Some Jobs Advertised Without Showing The Salary?

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Treacle71 | 07:21 Tue 07th Jan 2025 | Business & Finance
13 Answers

Is it a good thing or bad? 🤷‍♀️



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The scam is the post at 08:57
09:31 Tue 07th Jan 2025

In my experience because it's low, but sometimes they just want to attract as wide a range as possible and will pay whatever they think is right for the right candidate. I always preferred to know or to to quote a range if I was recruiting so that it wasn't a waste of my time and theirs.

Seems pointless, potential employees need to know the salary range before applying. Waste of time applying for a job you can't afford to accept 

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Yes, I might just bite the bullet and ask them the salary outright.  Thank you!

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It's an odd website as it asks me to pay to view the role for £2.99 per month, as it's only open to premium members?

It is a low barrier to keep out very low quality applications. Probably a good sign ...

That sounds like a scam of some sort.


Probably because they hope the right person undervalues themselves when asked what they are hoping to get paid ?

pointless, must be minimum wage I suppose. It's like "for sale" and a number in car windows. The one thing people want to know is how much.

09:01 Not a scam, that would say: "Earn £1000 a week for scratching your April" or something like that, then get you to pay £49 to register.

They want interactions from people applying just to find out, so it looks like it's a hot job.


It's the same when you see a job and it shows the hourly pay, but doesn't disclose how many hours.


These methods of not disclosing one or the other has been done for many years, which the only time wasted is the person looking for a job and applying only to find out it's not what they're looking for.

The scam is the post at 08:57

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Wow thank you.  Very interesting reading.

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