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15-17 year olds who drink alcohol please click here ! UK participants only!

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?? | 20:05 Wed 12th Mar 2008 | Education
2 Answers
Please fill in a short questionnaire, it should take no longer than 5 mins and I really need participants for my research, the more (especially males) the better and there isn't much time left and im desperate for data. I would really appreciate it! Thanks very much if you do take part!

Please click on the link below... BGcnXbIVcl4fkA_3d_3d I9MGvyG7QrXZ5g_3d_3d 9hrleOuxhTs4VA_3d_3d idm06VcwGOG45Q_3d_3d

The survey is in 4 parts. Iv got the free (basic) access to survey monkey which only allows 10 questions per survey and thus had to split the questionnaire up. Could you please spare a couple of mins and click on each of the links to fully complete the questionnaire. It would literally take you 5-10 mins of your time. It would be much appreciated! Thank you!


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15-17 year olds who drink alcohol please click here ! UK participants only!

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