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Billionaire Conspires To Bring Down Uk Government

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Untitled | 13:06 Thu 09th Jan 2025 | News
75 Answers

Elon Musk has reportedly met with allies and cronies to discuss how he can best leverage his resources to topple the British government according to the FT

is it really a good idea to allow individual people to get so wealthy that they can conspire to remove foreign governments?

should mr musk and his allies be considered a threat to the UK?

i think i'd like to know who are the people he met with. 



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how would you prevent people geting wealthy? What level would you suggest they be allowed to reach?

He may be shooting his mouth off but no one will take it seriously. Short of all out war, civil or otherwise or Labour imploding there is no way Tool and the gang can be got rid off.

'Allow'?  That sounds somewhat sinister.  Who do you want to stop them?

He seems to be talking about getting Starmer out, I wonder if he realises that labour would still be in even if Starmer went:

"Jan 9 (Reuters) - Billionaire Elon Musk has held private discussions with allies about removing British Prime Minister Keir Starmer from his position before the next general election, the Financial Times reported on Thursday."

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"What level would you suggest they be allowed to reach?"

about $100 million. That's rich enough to live any kind of life you want and ensure your loved ones want for nothing. not rich enough to pull this kind of rubbish

13:13 so what happens after that? Must they stopp all endeavours, sack all their employees and forfit any further income from any source? Then endeavour is stifled and we all stagnate. You claim not to be communist but you don't half make those noises me old china.

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"Who do you want to stop them?"

it will never happen but i'd like to see multilateral treaties enforcing maximum net worth with economic sanctions against anyone outside the jurisdiction. having individuals get this absurdly rich causes a huge number of problems in the world and is a recipe for disaster. it undermines the rule of law when you have a class of people who are effectively beyond prosecution because of their private resources. 

So when you earn your 100 million, you bank it and live of it?

Do you sack your employees?

Shut you business down?

Give it away?

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you once told me that you were in favour of the chinese communist party putting muslims in concentration camps and that you admired the soviet union's law against social parasites. you're more of a communist than i am!!

also, if there were a wealth cap,, the people at the top of it would still have the same influence and power and rich friends

If you force people to stop making money you remove the incentive.  They may as well close their businesses down - and have you really thought about what that means not only to their employees but to the country as a whole?  I doubt it very much.

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it does not make sense to allow one individual to accumulate $400 billion in value. think about how ridiculously large that sum of money is and the amount of damage you can do with that level of power. it is undemocratic and a threat to the world to permit private individuals to accumulate that degree of wealth. 

it's the equivalent of saying that private individuals should be allowed to develop nuclear weapons or build an air force on their estate. there is no "good" purpose that hoarding that amount of wealth can be put to, only malicious ones. 

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$100 million is plenty of incentive. not all aspiration should be rewarded. 

Threat to the UK ?

Or aid to the UK ?

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also, if there were a wealth cap,, the people at the top of it would still have the same influence and power and rich friends"

the amount of power a person with $100 million can wield is incomparable to what a man with $400 billion can do. i don't think you grasp quite how big a "billion" is. 

13:19 not fiscally me old china. If we implemented your scheme most of the largest employers in the world would not exist. I get it you hate that a few are very successful but those don't set out to get as rich as they do. Their endeavour and ideas drive that.

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ok let's imagine for a minute that george soros got caught conspiring to bring down the tories. 

is that really something we want to encourage? or are we just going to give up on democracy and hope that our favourite billionaire wins the game of thrones? 

It's a warped mindset that concludes that extreme wealth can only be put to malicious uses.  The super rich donate millions to good causes.

Maybe Labour shouldn't have sent a contingent to the USA to "conspire " to stop Trump being elected? 🙄

Ah, a communist.

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i don't care about people being successful. good for them. 

what i care about is private individuals walking around with a degree of wealth that is equivalent to the GDP of a small country. this cannot be compatible with equality before the law or frankly with democracy. 

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