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Billionaire Conspires To Bring Down Uk Government

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Untitled | 13:06 Thu 09th Jan 2025 | News
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Elon Musk has reportedly met with allies and cronies to discuss how he can best leverage his resources to topple the British government according to the FT

is it really a good idea to allow individual people to get so wealthy that they can conspire to remove foreign governments?

should mr musk and his allies be considered a threat to the UK?

i think i'd like to know who are the people he met with. 



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There's little point in pretending to champion democracy when you advocate restrictions (imposed by people as yet unknown) on acquiring personal wealth.   

He's rich enough to do a lot but he has no way to bring down the government of most countries. He's just shooting his mouth of, he's not "conspiring" any more than I am. I'd like shot of this lot too am I conspiring to bring down the government?

.....don't get him started on private jets!

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the super rich donate tiny fractions of their wealth in order to launder their reputations. some like bill gates transfer the majority of their fortunes to charitable foundations but most prefer to sit on it like a dragon atop its goldheap. it's dangerous to let individual people accumulate that much power. 

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the CIA brought down the government of guatemala for a lot lot lot less than $400 billion

So who do you want to stop them - and why should someone else have that sort of power?  

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democracy means that people have power over how they are governed naomi. allowing a tiny group of people to control half of society's resources undermines democracy, it doesn't support it. 

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"So who do you want to stop them - and why should someone else have that sort of power? "

democratically elected governments, using the power vested in them by the people. 

like i say it's never going to happen. 

ah communism, each according to his ability, to each according to his needs, all the uk's neets would certainly have a problem. labour camps gulags or worse.. dead, choices choices, get a job or live off a comrade.

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".....don't get him started on private jets!"

good advice tora. you won't hear the end of it ;)

If you had your way we'd be back in the dark ages. No big employers would exist for start. We'd probably have a lot of inventions but they'd never get into mass production. As soon as Henry Ford reached your arbitrary limit. The Untitled Stasi would raid the premises and shut down the factory. How dare you create jobs. Ford himself would be stripped of any surplus wealth and prosected.  No government would have anything like the dosh they have now. Bezos would barely have made it out of his garage and the half million jobs he created would not exist.

You often accuse others of ignoring details if it suits their view of something. Well clearly you are doing the same here. Think it through and you'll see this crackpot idea fo what it is.

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the number of people in the world with wealth of $100 million or more is approximately 30,000. It is a tiny tiny tiny fraction of the world's population. That degree of wealth is way beyond the reach of just about everyone on earth - if it functioned as a ceiling then it would make no functional difference even to to the majority of people who are already wealthy. 

You haven't considered the knock on effects of your proposal.  

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in the long run they'd be worth it. 

so how do you deal with the points raised at 13:46?


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i'm talking about private individual wealth rather than companies. 

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also henry ford supported the nazis, not sure why you're bringing him up as your great example lol

Private individual wealth rather than companies?  How to you think the wealthy accumulate their wealth? You really haven't thought this through.

13:55 gawd elp us, they get that rich through companies. Under your scheme almost nothing we take for granted would exist. No car company could ever grow large enough for example. Certainly there'd be no aviation, mass production etc. The wealth of the planet would be tiny. Hardly anything for the lefties to squander,  and no one would have a job. Discard your hatred of success and think it through.

It's innevitable that a few get insanely rich but the alternative is too horrific to contemplate.

13:56 I sense you are starting to realise how silly you look. I brought up Ford as an example of a company that would not exist under your scheme but ditto any car company. That you have to try and bring the nazis into this reaks of desparation.

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