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Refrigerator Life Of Cheese

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pastafreak | 14:31 Thu 09th Jan 2025 | Food & Drink
10 Answers

Refrigerator Life for Cheese

On Christmas Eve I bought some French cheese in London's Borough Market...a chevres and a truffle brie. They have both lived in my fridge... unwrapped...since then. I didn't use them as I had other, supermarket, cheese to use.
OK to still be consumed or cooked with?



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I'd take one out and let it warm up a bit and then eat it. Any smell or colouration would probably enhance its deliciousness.

When you say unwrapped - they must have some type of covering or else they would have dried out.

Anyway I would taste a tiny bit of each one and if it tastes OK - I would eat them.  The brie I would cook.

If it's not furry or green it'll be fine.

I meant to add - if they were off you would smell them as soon as you open the fridge door.

A brie and a chevre would need to be kept out of the fridge for a while, and if they didn't smell I would leave them out for a day or two to ripen.

I've done pretty much as Atheist says in the past.

Still here.

As long as they're unopened, and have been kept refrigerated, hard cheeses can last a month or two past their sell-by date, which, as we all know, is merely a guide.

I've been eating out-of-daye cheeses for quite a few months because i get it free from my corner shop 😁

If hard chees goes a bit dodgy just cut ot off all round it and eat the remainder.  Done this for decades and still here.

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DDL...doh! Wrapped and in a fridge storage box. The Brie was stinky from day 1.....that's how I always eat it.

I've discovered a BB date on the (raw goats milk) chevre...the 28th of this month. So that's OK.

I found out elsewhere that the Brie with truffle might be a problem as the truffle is mixed with cream.

Yes, ymf, it's easier with hard cheeses.

I would just nibble the brie and see if it tastes off - if not go for it.

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