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Should The Pasengers Also Sue....?

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ToraToraTora | 15:03 Thu 09th Jan 2025 | News
27 Answers

I think they'd have a case, they all had to stay an unplanned night in a hotel and lost a day of their holiday. If Ryan air win then surely all the poassengers will also win

Sadly the moron who caused this probably has nowt anyway.



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There are wealthy 'scum' as well. Take Gerard Depardieu for example.

Apparently a friend of Gerard said ""He was also stone-cold sober at the time. This is not the way he usually behaves."

He did it in a bottle passed to him by the friend, but unfortunately it overflowed. I wonder how he would have behaved if he'd been in his usual 6 bottles a day mode (that's wine btw, not scotch or White Lightning).

he weed in public didnt he? 

Very taboo subject ( OK in some places er lavatories) and not OK in others ( in front of small children)

I witnessed a DPG driver wivva bottle being shouted at by some er white trash - he chose a gynel to relieve imself I thought to keep his cab clean

I was one of the gawkers - no camera which was in my pocket - and guess what happened at 1800 that evg? 

Knock knock - the driver at my  front door 1/2 mile away, expaining himself

easy - dont wee in public in front of children


Yes, but I'm not sure why this is the first time this has happened.

Airlines should always sue morons for costs incurred in disrupting a flight 

Last time I flew (BA), the guy in front of me at the boarding gate was obviously drunk and the gate staff called security who carted him off.  What is the point of having staff at the boarding gate if they're too dim to reognise a drunk.

he has a contract with Ryan Air and so they can sue.

The other passengers dont, but do they have a right to travel unsprayed ? undecided point

( ie in proppa speak - tenuous cause of action)

and it seems that Ryan Air are claiming the costs of putting up travellers - and as everyone knows-  you cant claim twice

It is so computerised that I had a letter from Jet.2.air - 

Dear Nosey Parker - please pay for the £200 damage you did to a coffee holder on Flight 000.... I wrote back and said my name wasnt Nosey Parker but PP, and cd show I was at work at that time. I marvelled ( to them) that an electroniv booking cd be  - - elecronic with no paper trail at all.

I pointed out that due diligence ( if they had done it)  wd find that here was only one occupier in No 5 ( petty moi)


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