Crosswords3 mins ago
Can i get peoples views on abortion?
This subject tends to come up in religious debate quiet a lot but as an atheist (and a male) I am never going to have to face this dilema.
However, I have to say that i cannot wrap my head around any potential mother wanting to kill a life that is developing inside of her.
A previous GF of mine had 2 abortions (before I met her) and I couldnt understand the casualty with which she dismissed the ending of 2 lives.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Cared for women undergoing termnations, very few seemed to treat it lightly, for many it was a terrible experience. Saddest thing they were on the same theatre list as women undergoing investigations related to infertility, and the day cases were cared for in the same way on the ward. It led to a few unpleasant exchanges between the women involved.
Why is it that it appears, especially in the US, men are more against abortion than women. The woman who is carrying the child must have the right to decide what is best for her mental and physical well being. Pregnancy by rape or incest is not conducive to positive mental health of the mother. A pregnancy when the birth will result in the almost immediate death or permanent chronic life limiting illness of the infant is not a choice any woman or family wants to go through and in my opinion the mother and father if he is involved should be the ones to make that decision
It's an emotive subject hence an emotive response from me, so men can blow their beans without a care but if it makes the women pregnant she is to take on something which will be with her for her life (having a baby, as any mother even of adult children know). Men against abortion mkes me angry. It is 100% the women's choice.
I would be devestated if a woman decided to abort a baby I had helped create simply because she didn't want a baby. Easy for me to say, though.
Too many men walk away from their children without compunction; some father many children to different women with no intention of being a dad or financially supporting them.
It can't be easy being a single parent, or staying in a loveless relationship because of the children.
Contraception is key, including the so-called 'morning after pill' if their is no intention of having a baby.
I would never try to talk any woman out of an abortion including my daughters and granddaughters. It must always be their choice.
All humans need and want sex, most of us only want it for the pleasure we derive from it, so we can't or won't accept the pregnancies and children that might result as a consequence of engaging in sex and penetration. This is probably the primary reason a mother would want to get an abortion after engaging in sex.
Several other reasons also exist as far as most women are concerned, like, the fact that abortions are legal according to the law which allows women to choose whether they want to carry and deliver a baby or not. It's her body and womb the baby's developing in, so she should be able to decide whether she wants her pregnancy to continue.
And finally, all of this has to do with what we've all been taught about human embryonic development since we were in grade school when our own development as young teens began. It was here that they first introduced us to illustrations, either in textbooks or charts etc., that depicted all the stages of human embryonic development from a Zygote, to a Morula or the stage referred to as a Blastocyst, etc.
And what did we learn about and see when we looked at those depictions of a clump of cells that will eventually develop into a human being? We saw a human fetus that looks or appears to be the same as the early stages of a pig's fetal development, or that of an Eagle, or a turtle etc.
How can we tell the difference, many of us thought? Because at this stage all creatures look the same, so a human Blatocyst, for example, cannot be deemed to be a human being, because it doesn't look like a human being, which should facilitate your ability to grasp the idea of why a human mother could possibly find aborting her pregnancy easy and not terible at all. I didn't say I agree with all this, but the women who hold to these concepts of why aborting their developing fetus is okay certainly does.