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Baggy Pants

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warpig | 11:42 Fri 23rd Jul 2004 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Does anyone remember a cartoon called "Baggy Pants and the Nitwits", Am I right in saying that there was an old man called Tyrone who fell asleep all the time??..


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You are right indeed. Tyrone and his wife Gladys were an elderly couple who fought crime, IIRC, and Baggy Pants was a Chaplin-esque cat. I seem to remember the Tyrone and Gladys episodes being sandwiched in between two Baggy Pants episodes, rather like the French Inspector/Crazylegs Crane segment in the Pink Panther Show, but I stand to be corrected.
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Cheers and Beers for the answer....
Yeah I remember this. Baggy Pants was the first hal and the Nitwits was the second. Baggy Pants was a cat who had a side-kick, a dog called fleabag. He was alway saying aaaarrrrhhh fleeeebaagg (in a posh accent). Me and my brother (both well into our thirties now) still relay this to each other quite often !!

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Baggy Pants

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