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birley | 14:37 Sun 22nd Oct 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
29 Answers
on of a group caravan dwelling people who live like gypsies


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P.S. There are of course, good & bad in all walks of life!

The gypsies of old were petty thieves who stole a chicken and a few eggs to eat, poached a few rabbits with their lurcher. These new age travellers cannot be put in the same class, they are out and out crooks, swindlers, thieves and complete low lives, they live like tramps and are filthy. Why do they call them travellers? they just squat until they are evicted, it then costs the landowners many thousands to restore the land and clear away their mess and filth.
I feel sorry for this chap /chapess who only wanted an answer for a crossword . zles/Question310468.html
Hi Smudge,

It is no insult to my great granparents,as the people you are talking about weren't gypsies, they may have lived in caravans,but that does not mean a thing, true gypsies are spotlessly clean,and for the most part honest & hard working, these others get them a bad name, take care, Ray
cheers, peeps.
i'm going to have to go and watch snatch now before i can go to bed.
i fcuking hate pikies.
for sale. transit van and 28" trailer. hardly lived in, very good condition, genuine reason for sale. just been offered a council house. please apply to mid beds gypo property / ive got all the original paperwork/ not on the stolen list. cash only accepted, no cards or cheques. discount if you dont want a reciept. we also do driveways and tree surgery. many car parts to order. fitting service available. we collect your car, you hope we fetch it back. all work guaranteed for quite a long time. look forward to your enquiry.
Talking of driveways tomtech - We live in South Beds & our neighbour across the road had their driveway done by 'these' people (not necessarily real Gypsies tho'). They finished the job, then promptly dumped all the debris around the corner on an industrial estate! The reason our neighbour knew it was their debris, was because she is a Supervisor within the Company they dumped it outside of that evening & she recognised their old drive material the very next morning !!!!

It cost 'us' the tax payer (via the council), hundreds of �'s to have it removed! These people don't give a t0ss - only wanting to be paid in cash & obviously not wanting to pay tax & Ni.I.!

We'd never use anyone other than a reputable registered company!
Whoops - N.I.

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