That link is about installing a spell checker extension into versions earlier than 1.5, and the question refers specifically to the built in spell checker of version 2
So what this is for is to help you check the cpellink when you writ stuff into froms like the oned here an aswerbonk.
You scribble your thoughts at brook nek spid and then whaen yuur finiished yuo grab yer moose and point at the entry part and right hanh click (PC version) and you get a context menu with "Spell check this field" as an uption.
Naugty mistooks are disreetley underlayned in red and if you mouse point at the word and another right click gives you what the chelling specker think yuo ar gabbling aboot. Hey hey. Cooking with gas!
Colortec, I'm guessing from the date and time of your post that you are running one of the beta versions of Firefox 2?
I have just installed the official release, and the first time I ran it, it prompted me to install appropriate dictionaries, and took me to a web page where they could be downloaded. Typing now, i have the traditional red squiggle under your name, and right-clicking the field, I can turn the spell checker on and off, and change the language.
I was running RC3. However, there was no spell check in the final release I downloaded yesterday. After reading your post I went through the procedure for adding dictionary and now it is giving me the red lines under miss spelt words.