Can anyone please help with pointers to the answers to my last 3 questions. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
No.28 Nick was well-versed by words Alice spelt out (7,4)
No.46 Between the covers - where Fiery Fred played ?(7,2,3,6) I think this has something to do with cricket/bowling.
No. 93 Sailors had the Queen of sleuths in stitches with a yarn (10) I'm thinking embroidery here but not sure?!
All the answers contain some form of leisure pursuit.
93) think of a word for a number of sailors, then think of detectives. You want the first name of one whose surname is in the clue.
46) a book with cricket in the title.
You will find lots of clues to these if you seach for Leisure Pleasure
Clue 28
anagram 'words Alice' = Oscar Wilde --> who wrote (whilst in prison) a Ballad .....
Clue 31
with FINAL prooF MafiA GodfatheR bernardO .......
Clue 46
Between the covers = a Book
Fiery Fred = Freddie Truman = Cricketer ......
Name of a Charles Dickens Christmas carol .... the first word of the book title is �Cricketer'
Clue 93
Sailors = Crew - - - - - -
ON the the QUEEN of sleuths .... find the first name of a fictional sleuth who has the surname of Queen
{The answer is not in many dictionaries ... !!}