Clue 10
1st word of 8 letters .... man who delivers your post + letter S
2nd Word .... 5 letter word that is what a visitor does if your front door does not have a bell etc ..... you - - - - - on the door
Clue 26
Noah's rescue vessel with all the animals .... reverse the word for the start of your 6 letter word , then add anagram of TEA (had a tea-break) to complete the first word
2nd word = 4 letter word for CUT ..... a cut of meat or how you cut up wood into logs / cut down something. The whole 'blow' is more often delivered with your hand .... think oriental martial art!
Clue 54
The second and third words (4, 5) are anagram of the clue 'owner sobs'
The first word is how you might make a woolly jumper using needles and wool!
The whole answer is a phrase! One you 'crease up your forehead / eyes'
Clue 62
If the wind howls under the door / through a rattly old window .... game played on a Board (usually combined in game sets with Chess)
Clue 96
Anagram ... CAME ..... around the outside of the word that you want
Inside = O + two letters abbrev for american soldier
Look the word up - Irish game!
Good Luck