anyone else think Sonia looks like a giant fish thats swam into the back of a toxic barge?Not the prettiest is she? Yet the men and women fight over her.......go figure.
If you look at the majority of EE characters, none of them are particularly attractive, either physically, or as people, but that to an extent is rel life, albeit slightly more concentrated.
Corrie on the other hand, is awash with godesses - Frankie, Maria, Sarah, Tracey and Violet, all vying for the title of 'foxtress of the north. You pick your channel, you take your choice.
Perhaps Sonia is unbelieveable in the sack..... oh Jesus, I think I'm going to vomit.... or maybe they have all been blinded by the misery of life in, what appears to be, the most grimy, crime-ridden burgh in Western Europe.
As for EE being realistic.... please. How many landlords do you know that have gambled their pubs away over a game of cards or gangsters who miraculously return from the dead after years.
Mind you, it would be sh!te if they just washed the dishes or sat posing and answering questions on AB all day!