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gleaveyweave | 09:51 Sun 29th Oct 2006 | TV
7 Answers
Can anyone tell me where I have seen the woman playing young Alison's aunt in last nights episode before? I can't IMDB her as I didn't catch her name on the credits and it's driving me mental!!!!


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It bugged me too. Was it Playing the Field, can't think of her name though.
She was in Playing the Field as Lesley Sharpe's sister/daughter. She is called Jo McInnes and I think she married Lee Ryan who was also in it and has recently been in Eastenders as Owen Turner
She's married to Lee Ross
Sorry, that's who I meant!
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Thank you sooooooo much, now I can rest lol!!!!!!!!!
her names jo innes & she played jo mullen in playing the field, hope that puts your mind @ rest
sorry its jo McInnes but the other is correct

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