I have light brown hair but i have been dyeing it for years I want it to go back to light brown but everytime i try this it ends up going a ginger colour after a few washes, What i need to know is which hair dye DO NOT have a red base so i can stop being ginge and go back to brown!!!!! please help!!!!
i know this isn't an answer to your question but why don't you just go to the hairdressers to get it done at least then if it goes ginger you can go back and complain.
me too! at first i thought the red dye from yonks ago was showing thru. the ends are gingery and there is a big differene when i old the ends up to the roots.
Me too!the dyes must have a permanent stain in them somehow.I useMovida Dark Blonde now which comes out lightish brown and lasts for a while and then when the grey comes back on top the rest of it goes gingery again and I always used to have light brown hair. I thought it was just me!
I think we may just have to fork out for a top notch colourist, as this ginge is not going away otherwise!!!! and also bednobs have you ever had half a head of giner and half a head of brown hair!!! no i thought not!