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gelda | 09:08 Thu 02nd Nov 2006 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
Does anyone know how to keep bananas from ripening. I hate ripe bananas!


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keep them away from the apples I think. I might have imagined it, but there's def one fruit that makes other fruits in its company rien faster and i think it;s apples. Sure someone will say if I'm wrong! And I'm with you-ripe bananas are gross but I love them still a bit green!
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I do keep them away from other fruit, I usually hang them up but they are still ripe in 2 days, thanks for replying anyway.
Keep them in the coolest place in your house. You can use the fridge as long as you don�t mind the skins going a funny colour (the flesh will be fine).

Alternatively, buy fewer at a time and eat them quicker!!
Bananas rippen other fruits if stored together.

I only eat green bananas, so i store a few in fridge wrapped in a tea towel and they stay green for a few days but they are not as nice as fresh
thanks Pandy I began to wonder if banana's were the culprits after I posted!
I believe that bananas shouldn't be stored along with other fruit, can't remember why, but if you buy an avocado pear which isn't fully ripe then place it near bananas and it will ripen more quickly. The process, I think, is something connected with enzymes, whatever they are! So you'll just have to buy another fruit dish just for your bananas. lol Caz x

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