Okay , so here's the story :
A BASHFUL pinocchio entered the room and nervously asked the DOC to get him some ganja. He obliged and Pinocchio was HAPPY and felt a warm glow spread throughout his body. It made him feel SLEEPY though and as he dozed , his nostrils rubbed against his stash , making him feel SNEEZY. With one big almighty atchoo , he blew his entire stash of weed away and felt vey GRUMPY - especially when he saw fellow pothead DOPEY laughing like a maniac in the corner. In a fit or rage , he killed him and realising what he had done , he panicked and began sawing off his own nose - knowing fully well that otherwise , the police would be able to trip him up on his version of events , due to his rather unfortunate nose growing problem when lying. He swept the sawdust under the bed to try and get rid of the evidence of his involvement in this heinous crime and then set about his business. The end !
PS I haven't been taking any illicit substances - honestly ! It must be all those pregnancy hormones rattling about , making me say and do stupid things. That's my excuse anyway !!!