i have a tiny hole next to the seam in a pair of leggings. I can just see it getting worse and worse. Can it just be sewn up with normal thread or will it look odd? Any ideas?
Im reluctant to buy more because firstly Ive only worn them once, and I like to get good wear out of things, and secondly they may be cheap but I am a student on a very tight budget, so if I can mend them I will! The goth idea is a good one, but not very me unfortunately.
brush a bit of clear nailpolish around the hole on the inside of the leggings - should stop it from getting worse. If you want to repair them get some matching thread and darn them in a 'figure of eight' and gently pull thread. This should work.
make a 'feature' of it.
make it into a hole and then sew round the edges over and over again until you get a circle of coloured thread - a bit like the way the edges of a piece of applique or sew on name badge are.
thanks for all the ideas - tingirl i decided to sew it as you suggested and it really has worked well - I would have tried to sew side to side and would have make a proper mess. Thank you all however for your answers. xxx