The circuit is for a flickering candle a Xmas lantern used by the girl guides for Carol singing .It has a 15 nf capacitor & a 820k resistor It is powered by 6x1.5 AA batteries. I have found that by increasing the value of the resistor to 900K & redreducing the voltage to around 8.o _ 8.5 I am getting a much better result or a better flicker .This was from an old Maplins magazine around 1994, Anyone got any ideas how this problem could be solved.
You've told us what you have, what you did, and that you've obtained results you're happier with. So what is the problem you mention, or are we missing something?
The problem's easy to identify guys. Should Girl Guides be carrying an old Maplin magazine of about 1994 vintage whilst carol singing with a candle?
Where's your creativity!
I think Woodchopper,s answer is worth 5 Stars Yes an ordinary candle certainly flickers best ,but at this Latitude they have terrible habit of blowing out just after you have sung the first line of your carol.