Difference is perspective... you call them militants, I call them terrorists. While you perceive me as being all defensive of the Israelis, I do find it interesting that an event of this nature, no matter how tragic thatcould involve mis-deeds, unintentional or not, by the Israelis is met with condemnation and derision, whereas, the point I tried to make, is the Jews suffer death and destruction on a random but focused basis almost daily. Then, following such events, (such as the daily rocket attacks from Gaza) Hamas, Fatah or a myriad of other such organizations can't wait to take the responsibility and glory (in their view) for killing, maiming and destroying Jews who were doing nothing but trying to exist. Let's not forget, shall we, the Israeli government pulled completely out of Gaza (wrong move, in my opinion) and look what the Palestinians did to the Jews, but more importantly what they did to each other... defenceless, in my opinion...