It's a horrid feeling I get, I constantly fear the worst and get so paranoid sometimes that I have said or done something wrong without realising and that I have upset someone. A wave of anxiety just takes over and I feel I can't deal with anything until I have sorted this feeling out. Panic is the other thing, comes out of nowhere. If my husband goes out in the car with our 2 girls I suddenly worry what if they crash etc.. if they are a bit late it must be because they have had an accident etc..
I manage to cope with it better know I think because I force myself to realise that they have gone out in the car millions of times and never crashed etc..
I found taking up hobbies helped keep my mind off of things and at the moment when I start to feel funny I come online (if it's possible) and play a few online games just to get my mind off of the worry, seems to work. Looking forward to something helps too, I start to sort out Christmas and what presents I need to buy, what to cook etc.. just to occupy my mind on something else for a while.
I would reccommend if you feel you are suffereing quite badly then get along to your Doctors and have a chat :o)